Tumbler type
Automatic loading/unloading function is
available as an option. The P model provides
full unloading via descent of the front roller
(patented). An integrated dust collector on
the back of the machine requires little space.
For blasting of products that produce dust,
a seperate dust collector can be connected.
*Only the NTF-1 type has no integrated dust
collector. The high chrome steel lining is a
standard specification. However, low-priced
machines specialized only for zinc shot with
a simple lining are also available.
Option Trommel-type seperator, inverter
  ;Vertical slide door
     Type Capacity Product permissible range
   NTF-0 25 liters 60 kg
   FTF-0 25 liters 60 kg
   FTF-0P 25 liters 50 kg
   NTF-1 50 liters 150 kg
   FTF-1P 50 liters 150 kg
Tumbler type
Automatic loading/unloading function is
available as an option. The model 77 and 100
has sister products in the P type that have
a belt pop-out function. The trommel-type
seperator is standard equipment for blasting
and seperates burrs and foreign material
*The NTF-153 has an inclined screen
     Type Capacity Product permissible range
   TF-77 100 liters 300 kg
   NTF-100 180 liters 500 kg
   NTF-151 260 liters 800 kg
   NTSF-153 280 liters 560 kg
   NTSF-200 500 liters 1000 kg
   NTF-600 550 liters 1500 kg
Table type
Products on the rotary table are blasted from
two rotors (injection device), which have
different angles, resulting in efficient blasting
of the product surface other than the
undersurface. The door on the front of the
machine and the ceiling part simultaneously
open wide to the right and left. Therefore,
heavy products can be easily loaded or
unloaded by hanging it with a hoist. A vertical-
travel slide door is available as an option.
in addition, a type in which several small
tables rotate on a large revolving table is
also available.
Option Trommel-type seperator,
   inverter, etc.
     Type Table dia. x Product permissible weight
   LNF-1 ø 1100 x 600kg
   LNF-2 ø 1400 x 1000kg
   LNF-3 ø 1500 x 1500kg
   LNF-18 ø 1800 x 1500kg
   LNF-4 ø 2000 x 1500kg
Hanger type
Products suspended on the hanger are
blasted while rotating. The blasting chamber
consists of one room (FHF-16, FHF-200),
two rooms (HBF-100), or four rooms
(HBF-64X, HBF-153X). Machines with two
or more rooms are appropriate for contious
operations because the next product can be
attached or detached during blasting. Low-
priced machines for zinc shot with a simple
lining are avilable. On the other hand,
machines for die castings with sufficient
safety measures for magnesium and
aluminum are also rich in variety.
Option Trommel-type seperator,
  inverter, etc.
     Type Capacity Product permissible range
   FHF-16SN ø 400 x 500H 30kg (max)
   FHF-200 ø 500 x 800H 30kg (max)
   HBF-100 ø 400 x 500H 30kg (max)
   HBF-64X ø 300 x 500H 100kg x 4
   HBF-153X ø 500 x 700H 100kg x 4
Crane type
A large-scale structure is easily hung with
a crane for efficient blasting by few personnel.
In addition to the through types (HDD), the
Y types with a Y-shaped insertion, the circline
types with a circle-shaped insertion, and the
HU types with a U-turn shaped insertion are
available depending on workability. The
general machine is the HDF type, which
enables loading and unloading through a
single door.
     Type Effective size of work x Load limit for hanging
   HDF-7 ø 700 x 1000H x 500kg
   HDF-10 ø 1000 x 1200H x 1000kg
   HDF-12 ø 1200 x 1500H x 1500kg
   HDF-15 ø 1500 x 2000H x 2000kg
   HDF-20 ø 2000 x 2500H x 2000kg
For painting
Paint adhered to the jigs after painting is
easily and efficiently peeled. The swing arm
equipped with a chain block enables
convenient attaching and detaching of product
outside the machine. This is well known as
Wonderful blasting. High chrome types are
available for use with hard abrasive media.
     Type Effective size of work x Load limit for hanging
   ZSHF-8C ø 800 x 1400H x 500kg
   ZSHF-12B ø 1200 x 1500H x 500kg
   ZSHF-15 ø 1500 x 1500H x 500kg
   ZSHF-15BS ø 1500 x 2000H x 500kg
For steel plates
Only the AF-110 from among the general-
purpose machines, which are normally suited
for long length work, can perform blasting of
short steel plates with a length of 250 mm
without jigs. With an option, some types are
available for concrete, stone or the like.
The CF-22 is a conveyor type and blasts
from above. Other types can blast both sides
at the same time. The transverse fissure
type can blast large steel plates.
Type Effective size of work  
   CF-22 W400 x 30H Belt conveyor type(one side), transverse fissure
   AF-65 W500 x 50H Roller conveyor type(both sides), transverse fissure
   AF-104 W500 x 100H Roller conveyor type(both sides), P175
   AF-110 W500 x 100H Roller conveyor type(both sides), P100
For section steel
In order to support H-section steel to large-
scale welding H-section steel, several injection
devices (rotors) are arranged in the most
suitable positions. This allows high-speed
blasting due to the internal lining structure that
employs manganese steel plates.
Type Effective size of work  
   AF-120 600H x 300W One-pass processing is available up to 600 H
   AF-200 900H x 300W Standard blasting machine for H-section steel
   AF-375 900H x 300W High-grade type with five rotors
   AF-375S 1000H x 500W One-pass processing is available up to1,000 H
   AF-501 1200H x 500W One-pass processing is available up to 1,200 H
For LP tanks or seamless tanks only
This blasting for peeling paint on tanks is
widely used in countries around the world
including Japan. Tanks are rotated are
transferred by rollers and the peeling of paint
is processed in the blasting chamber.
(LP tank: 20 to 50 kg, seamless tank:
short to long size)
Machines specialized for bottom, internal
surfaces or hanging are also available.
   ABF Various types Contious and batch types
   MGC Various types Specialized type for internal surfaces
   HF Various types Hanger Type
Blasting of wire rods
The target is wire rods fed in the coli-to-coil
condition. Several rotors (injection devices),
which are arranged to inject abrasive media to
the center, injects an amount of abrasive
media to quickly remove scales on wire rods.
The machine is selectable for wire thichness
and feed rate. Special brushed and protective
measures for particles prevent shot leakage
from the loading or unloading port of wire rods.
Type Injection capacity Effective size Feed rate
   WB-1200 18.5kw x 4 Up to ø 20 20~ 60m/min
   WB-1400 22.0kw x 4 Up to ø 28 20~ 70m/min
   WB-1600 30.0kw x 4 Up to ø 28 20~ 80m/min
   WB-1800 37.0kw x 4 Up to ø 38 20~ 100m/min
   WB-2000 37.0kw x 4 Up to ø 38 (for bars)
Roller type (A,As family)
The models in a wide variety with different
roller width and equipment height according
to each product size are available in series.
Not only the top and undersurfaces of products
but also the sides can be blasted at the
same time with some types. The processing
speed is adjustable and the blowing as
standard equipment automatically removes
accumulated abrasive media near the exit
port. For blasting work shaped like a pipe,
the AS (skew roller) type is available for
automatic blasting while rotating and
transferring pipes.
Hanger type for continuous operation (HUF family)
This continuously blasts hanging products.
The rotary system for hanging products
provides even blasting. While attaching/
detaching a product to the hanger jig,
blasting and air blowing are performed in each
chamber at the same time. A transfer type is
also selectable for line construction from
the longitudinal transfer that passes products
through the machine, the circle transfer that
circulates products and the U-turn transfer
that reverses direction.
For crankshafts
Crankshafts are blasted while rotating and
transferring. Even with crankshafts from
different vehicle models, this mainly features
a mixing of them and continuous operation
without jigs and toolin changes (patented by
NICCHU). Therefore, the space for the
machine is compact compared to blasting
machines from other manufacturer, which
significantly reduces maintenance costs.
For outer surface of large-scale pipes and rolls
Large-scale rolls are laid down as shown in
the picture where as the short-scale uses an
index type machine. Depending on the type,
products are blasted while rotating and
transferring themselves or products only
totates, whereas itsinjection nozzle (or
injection device) moves.
Hanger type for a single product (HD family)
This type blasts hanging products.
The rotating hanger evenly blasts the entire
surface of the product. The hanger reduces
the inconvenience of raising or lowering
products and is suited for products with
a complicated shape that cannot be placed
on a table. This type comes in a series
according to the product size and weight.
For attaching/detaching a product away
from the machine, a monorail hanger type
is also available that moves to the site.
The size of the machine is relatively compact.
For concrete blocks and stone
This is a blasting machine for concrete in a
roller conveyor type. The top and under-
surfaces can be blasted at the same time.
Blasting the sides is also availabel as an
option. Concrete produces dust during shot
blasting. Therefore, dust collectors and
separators are specialized for concrete.
Various types are available depending on
the size of the concrete.
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